luni, 31 decembrie 2007
La Multi Ani 2008 ! :D
sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2007
stop there ...or keep walkin` ?
Later edit: nu incercati sa intelegeti...o sa va pierdeti in detalii :) nu sa va raspund :)!
sâmbătă, 15 decembrie 2007
hai sa fim ...mess-eri xD
vineri, 14 decembrie 2007
At The Moment :\ [naaaais]
1. Male friend: destui
2. Female friend: Andreea
3. Vacation: anu asta...italia
4. Age: putin si imi fac d cap xD
5. Memory: pff..e in cutiutza q lacat :P
1. Time of day: Diminetile de iarna
2. Day of the week: Luni
3. Food: o kestie p kre o face bunikmea din dovlecei si brocoli :\
4. Memory: tot prin cutiutza :P
1. Person you saw: Tata de la spate :))
2. Person you talked on the phone: hmm...Alex
3. Hugged: Hanan...cred xD
4. Text Mesagged: pff...asta a fost aq ktiva ani :)) nuj...sincer
5. IM: Roxx
1. What did you do: o durere sacaitoare de cap, un somn lung si kteva regrete :D
2. Who were you with: just me and myself
3. Bad/Good day: baaad
4. Lose something: well...donno...maybe
5. Fall out with someone: hai sa nu deskidem subiectu :))
1. What are you doing now: incerc sa vb la tel
2. Today in general: teza la mate, kiul la fizica, si cearta q profa d romana
3. Wearing: t-shirt & sport pants
4. What did you eat for lunch: wtf...nuj...o astept p mama
5. Better than yesterday: not really
1. Is: Sambata
2. Got any plans: cre ko sa dorm :\
3. Getting Lucky: nu miar strica putin noroc ...mai ales aq :P
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: o sa fie frig si o sa ma plict
5.Do you have work: nuj...depinde ce pica :D
1. Number: 14, 7
2. Song: Simple Plan - Perfect World
3. Color: donno...alb si roshu...e o obsesie :))
4. Season: primavara poate vara
5. State: Elvetia
1. With someone: delicat subiect :P PAS!
2. Missing someone: hmm...not really, no
3. Mood: acceptabil
4. Wanting: something good to eat
merge mai departe la boo :P